BECAUSE WIN is powered by oxygen:
WIN attacks oils, dirt, grime—you name it—with oxygen ions instead of enzymes. Oxygen is the main ingredient. And—hooray!—oxygen ions are super effective at breaking down all kinds of organic molecules—including oils.
BECAUSE WIN is powered by oxygen:
WIN attacks oils, dirt, grime—you name it—with oxygen ions instead of enzymes. Oxygen is the main ingredient. And—hooray!—oxygen ions are super effective at breaking down all kinds of organic molecules—including oils.

WIN is low pH and non-alkaline:
This matters, a lot. WIN’s low pH formula makes it safe to wash synthetics with hot water. Yes, we know—the label on your tropical flower yoga capris advises washing in cold … but that’s because the manufacturer of those capris assumed you’d be using a high pH detergent (which is what 99% of detergents are). With WIN, hot is cool.
WIN’s powerful, hot-water-friendly, oxygen-based formula makes it a formidable ally in the quest to get all your high-performance gear astonishingly clean and fresh.
Why does it matter that I can safely wash in hot with WIN?
Ever try washing a greasy frying pan with cold water? Doesn’t work too well, right? When it comes to oil (any kind of oil) hot is what you want.

WIN keeps bad stuff out of the environment:
WIN’s low pH formula protects the synthetic fibers in your favorite gear, so less of those fibers wind up going down the drain. WIN’s only byproducts are oxygen and zero-impact soaps, meaning it’s septic safe. Not only that, WIN green is certified by the EPA Safer Choices Program, designated cruelty-free by the Leaping Bunny Program, and ethically and sustainably sourced.

WIN is low pH and non-alkaline:
This matters, a lot. WIN’s low pH formula makes it safe to wash synthetics with hot water. Yes, we know—the label on your tropical flower yoga capris advises washing in cold … but that’s because the manufacturer of those capris assumed you’d be using a high pH detergent (which is what 99% of detergents are). With WIN, hot is cool.
WIN’s powerful, hot-water-friendly, oxygen-based formula makes it a formidable ally in the quest to get all your high-performance gear astonishingly clean and fresh.
Why does it matter that I can safely wash in hot with WIN?
Ever try washing a greasy frying pan with cold water? Doesn’t work too well, right? When it comes to oil (any kind of oil) hot is what you want.

WIN keeps bad stuff out of the environment:
WIN’s low pH formula protects the synthetic fibers in your favorite gear, so less of those fibers wind up going down the drain. WIN’s only byproducts are oxygen and zero-impact soaps, meaning it’s septic safe. Not only that, WIN green is certified by the EPA Safer Choices Program, designated cruelty-free by the Leaping Bunny Program, and ethically and sustainably sourced.

WIN is low pH and non-alkaline:
This matters, a lot. WIN’s low pH formula makes it safe to wash synthetics with hot water. Yes, we know—the label on your tropical flower yoga capris advises washing in cold … but that’s because the manufacturer of those capris assumed you’d be using a high pH detergent (which is what 99% of detergents are). With WIN, hot is cool.
WIN’s powerful, hot-water-friendly, oxygen-based formula makes it a formidable ally in the quest to get all your high-performance gear astonishingly clean and fresh.

WIN keeps bad stuff out of the environment:
WIN’s low pH formula protects the synthetic fibers in your favorite gear, so less of those fibers wind up going down the drain. WIN’s only byproducts are oxygen and zero-impact soaps, meaning it’s septic safe. Not only that, WIN green is certified by the EPA Safer Choices Program, designated cruelty-free by the Leaping Bunny Program, and ethically and sustainably sourced.

BECAUSE Activewear is different:
While awesome at stretching and wicking away moisture, activewear has the unfortunate habit of bonding with the oils found in sweat, leading to persistent smells (eww), and colors that no longer dazzle.

BECAUSE Activewear is different:
While awesome at stretching and wicking away moisture, activewear has the unfortunate habit of bonding with the oils found in sweat, leading to persistent smells (eww), and colors that no longer dazzle.
“Wait, what? Why does activewear bond with oil?” you ask? Great question! Spandex and most other synthetic fibers are hydrophobic—which means they’re great at repelling water. Due to the pesky laws of science they’re also oleophilic, or “oil attracting.”

“Why not?” you ask. Well, turns out, most detergents use enzymes to tackle dirt and oil. But enzymes are kinda hit-and-miss when it comes to grime fighting (see what we did there?).

Regular detergents don’t contain the right ingredients:
While most detergent brands are okay at removing visual stains, they’re not so great at breaking down the vast array of oils found in sweat.
Which means … unless your detergent contains exactly the right enzymes for exactly the right oils in your wash load, your super-comfy no-show cycling socks and your partner’s favorite quick-dry sleeveless tee may never smell really fresh. But don’t despair. WIN, isn’t a “regular” detergent.

Regular detergents don’t contain the right ingredients:
While most detergent brands are okay at removing visual stains, they’re not so great at breaking down the vast array of oils found in sweat.
Which means … unless your detergent contains exactly the right enzymes for exactly the right oils in your wash load, your super-comfy no-show cycling socks and your partner’s favorite quick-dry sleeveless tee may never smell really fresh. But don’t despair. WIN, isn’t a “regular” detergent.
“Why not?” you ask. Well, turns out, most detergents use enzymes to tackle dirt and oil. But enzymes are kinda hit-and-miss when it comes to grime fighting (see what we did there?).

Regular detergents don’t contain the right ingredients:
While most detergent brands are okay at removing visual stains, they’re not so great at breaking down the vast array of oils found in sweat.
Which means … unless your detergent contains exactly the right enzymes for exactly the right oils in your wash load, your super-comfy no-show cycling socks and your partner’s favorite quick-dry sleeveless tee may never smell really fresh. But don’t despair. WIN, isn’t a “regular” detergent.

WIN is not your father’s (or your mother’s, or your old roommate’s) detergent:
WIN is special. WIN is niche. WIN is for athletes of every kind, at every level, and the people who love them (and want them to smell good).
• If WIN was a beer, it would be an exquisitely hand-crafted microbrew.
• If WIN was a hotel, it would be one-of-a-kind, destination boutique.
• If WIN was a car, it would be a sleek, hand-assembled work of art.

WIN is not your father’s (or your mother’s, or your old roommate’s) detergent:
WIN is special. WIN is niche. WIN is for athletes of every kind, at every level, and the people who love them (and want them to smell good).
• If WIN was a beer, it would be an exquisitely hand-crafted microbrew.
• If WIN was a hotel, it would be one-of-a-kind, destination boutique.
• If WIN was a car, it would be a sleek, hand-assembled work of art.